PSW are delighted to be reappointed to CHP’s Consultants Framework 2017.
We have been working with CHP since being included on their previous frame work in 2012. Since then we have worked on more than a dozen new build developments with them.
The JCT Contracts 2016 edition reflects new payment legislation and makes other changes which are outlined in this article.
In response to the changes in the political and funding landscape, those developing new housing for older people are adapting to these new circumstances.
Emerging trends would suggest that we are starting to see a move away from the development of Extra Care housing with its costly and extensive communal facilities towards more independent living (less institutional) 'lifestyle' focussed housing on the one hand and more care-focussed institutional products for much higher care needs, on the other.
We regularly seek client feedback as part of our Quality Management procedures and here are some recent comments.